Data Management Services

Client Testimonials 

“We were experiencing problems keeping up with the backlog of both duplicate records and Rejected Responses. The CRMIT team has been fast in learning the idiosyncrasies of our process and is very knowledgeable about Siebel over all. Among other projects they have helped us by merging duplicate Account records and are in the process of getting our Rejected Response backlog under control. By utilizing the services at CRMIT we have been able to streamline our data cleansing process. This will potentially enable us to not miss any leads due to duplication or rejection. The ultimate goal is to generate high quality leads for our Sales pipeline.”

- Leaders in 3D CAD technology

About Data Management:
The concept of Data Management occurs when there is a need for clarity in the data; be it customer database: their attachments and applauds, or the Product /Services Database. Proper structuring is the need of the hour and importance is stressed to organize data as per the organizational requirements and for efficient business. Any successful data management seeks much more attention than investment in technology. The steps may include collecting data, organizing them into appropriate file structures, developing and maintaining routines for quality assurance etc. It also includes issues like extracting and merging information from recently existing data files, as well as establishing/designing data structures. This further involves putting the processes and people in place to manage all aspects of the data lifecycle.

Business Challenges:

  • Need for cost effective data management for business by boosting asset utilization.
  • Requires effective use of all types of information by a wide range of users, at the same time honoring all the visibility rules and restrictions.
  • Data redundancy: Each system, application and department within an organization collects its own version of key business entities leading to redundant master data and poor data quality.
  • Data inconsistency: Business Organizations spend enormous resources trying to reconcile master data, often with limited success. Furthermore, this reconciliation process is repeated over and over because there is no mechanism to capture the data assets garnered from the first or succeeding reconciliations.
  • Business inefficiency: Redundant and inconsistent master data leads to inefficient supply chain management, inconsistent customer support, customer dissatisfaction, and wasted marketing efforts.
  • Supporting Business change: Organizations are constantly changing as new products and services are introduced and withdrawn, companies are acquired and sold, and new technologies appear and reach maturity. These disruptive events cause a constant stream of changes to master data, and without a way of managing these changes, the issues of data redundancy, data inconsistency, and business inefficiency are exacerbated.

How CRMIT can help?

Data Import:
Every organization has data stored about their customers, products, Services offered, leads, contacts, interactions, contracts, competitors and more. The data received from different Source files needs to be consolidated validated and cleansed. CRMIT helps in collecting and cleansing source data, including formatting data according to the various field types, importing them into proper sequence, troubleshooting import errors, and avoiding common user errors further resulting in high quality data for End-users and little rework for administrators. CRMIT has the ability and tools to clean and Import huge amount of data in to On-premise as well as On-Demand CRM & Other business system within a short span of time.

Top line Data Management:
High-performance businesses depend on reliable master data, a set of core information about customers, products, employees, materials, suppliers and more. The valid records that are imported onto the CRM system are assigned to the respective regional resellers for business enhancements. This is done on the Quarterly basis for further analysis by the top management about the customer status and the performance of the resellers in closing the deals. CRMIT offers help at every stage of data management, right from forming a strategy to implementing technology and new processes.

Campaign Administration:
CRMIT provides customers with an easy to use solution, to plan, test and execute marketing campaigns of any size, to any kind of audience or to any level of complexity. CRMIT’s expertise and proven capabilities for campaign management, analytics, data integration and business intelligence, along with flexible deployment options, empowers customers to create and deliver the right campaign at the right time. CRMIT has the record of creating successful campaign links for both products and services with industry best practices.

Merging Accounts/Contacts:
To avoid the duplication of accounts and having the clear cut picture of prospects being turned into customers is one of the most important requirements for sending campaign links. If the client has no clarity then, he/she unnecessarily wastes time in resending the campaigns to the same target audience, further vexing the customers who may opt to be removed from the mailing list, which is a huge loss to the business. To prevent such problems, merging of accounts needs to be made on regular intervals. CRMIT with its proficiency has enabled this task to be a smooth roll-out with minimum defect.

  • Finds the unique records based on clients’ business rules and merge those duplicates manually, in to the Prominent Account/Prospect.
  • Before merging Accounts CRMIT finds correct organization to those prominent records, based on clients’ business rules.

Data Matching:
The details of campaign participants are usually captured from different sources, in different forms and then moved into the database. There are chances that the mentioned data might be present in the system (Account and Contact) duplicating the records. For instance: In the Email/ Web campaign, different users from the same organization tend to fill in the same details in a different format which may create duplicate records. For this purpose, CRMIT has come up with an intelligent Matching logic which can be used to validate the data moving into the CRM system. The records moving in are checked with reference to the preset business rules ensuring a clean data import.

How you can benefit from this service?

  • Optimizes E-Business: Creates and manages product data repositories that serve as the backbone for E-business.
  • Streamlines Operations: Enables companies to realize internal efficiencies by reducing the cost and complexity of processes that use master data.
  • Maximizes ROI from CRM: Increased revenue by providing more accurate and comprehensive information to the right customers at the point of sale and regulatory compliance.
  • Improved ability to share, consolidate and analyze business information quickly, both globally and regionally.
  • Delivers clean and up-to-date customer data for maximizing sales and business intelligence.
  • Reduced manual translation and analysis to improve repeatability and speed to insight.
  • Better management decisions, reduces risks and enhances productivity and operational efficiency.
  • Ensures the integrity of the business and its information assets in the face of natural disaster, systems failures, or outside regulatory oversight.
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