“Data as a Service” Offerings:

Client Testimonials 

“We were experiencing problems keeping up with the backlog of both duplicate records and Rejected Responses. The CRMIT team has been fast in learning the idiosyncrasies of our process and is very knowledgeable about Siebel over all. Among other projects they have helped us by merging duplicate Account records and are in the process of getting our Rejected Response backlog under control. By utilizing the services at CRMIT we have been able to streamline our data cleansing process. This will potentially enable us to not miss any leads due to duplication or rejection. The ultimate goal is to generate high quality leads for our Sales pipeline.”

- Leaders in 3D CAD technology

Do you face these problems?

  • Ballooning labor costs; personnel required to maintain and manage the data.
  • Bad quality leads in sales pipeline.
  • Multiple data sources and formats, leading to wasted productivity in manual consolidation.
  • Keeping up with the backlog of duplicate records, Rejected Responses etc., missing leads due to duplication or rejection.
  • Growing Demands from users.
  • Management of exponential growth in data volume.
  • Privacy and confidentiality issues in sharing data with internal / external audience.

The hidden cost in responding to these pain points is business innovation. Having to spend much time refining and updating data problems prevents IT professionals from development activities that could truly promote innovation and tap the potential of the data to drive the business forward in unanticipated directions.

DaaS, has become the Buzzword in today’s IT scenario, enveloping the areas of business for maintaining contact Database for further sales leads and networking. Data in the Cloud gives a much higher level of importance to your critical business data by elevating its handling and processing to reflect its constantly changing nature. If the business needs to be successful and competent it requires appropriate data to be placed in a more furnished way with an eye to minutest of the details.

At CRMIT, we have solutions that will ensure that the delivered Data is always up-to-date, filtered, clean, enriched and business-ready at a moment's notice. Any kind of data be it, from sales lead information to business contacts to credit reporting data, compliance data and much more. You do not have to worry about the vast contact data pool available in your IT infrastructure. Your contact database and lead generation data are no longer just something you need to store and process for the sake of having it. CRMIT will help you to keep it accurate and up-to-date and vital so it can give your business the fuel it needs to perform at the highest level.