User Adoption Services

Client Testimonials 

“CRMIT was instrumental in this initiative taking off the ground and have helped us create an efficient Outsourced Site Management Model. The joint team is successfully maintaining a complex 365x24x7 real time online commerce system with major enhancement being made regularly. The offsite team is currently developing and deploying 4-6 major releases annually while maintaining timeliness and high service satisfaction levels.”

- One of the world's largest commercial employer,

The greatest challenge an organization faces during CRMOD implementation is, the acceptance of the solution by the End-users. Years of industry experience has helped us understand that it takes more than complex functionalities or glossy user interfaces, to make the End-user comfortable with a CRM solution.

Successful implementation of a CRMOD solution is only when it conforms to the new environment and is user friendly. And this has been addressed effectively only through a well planned and implemented User Adoption Program.

We offer User Adoption Services in conceptualizing, planning and implementing the Programs in the CRM domain. CRMIT has identified the following set of client needs:

  • Implementation Services: We offer comprehensive and effective implementation services of the product to meet your expectations. We understand your requirements and provide solution that can add a value to your growing business.

  • Education Services: CRMIT is one of the trusted sources for CRMOD training. We equip your team with the knowledge and skills that can maximize productivity gains and increase business value. Our Education Specialists are highly skilled are the first to learn of new technical enhancements, ensuring these are incorporated into our education programs in a timely manner.

  • Consultancy Services: CRMIT provides Customer Relationship Management consulting services on CRMOD software implementation and various CRM++ customizations. Our proven method of keeping projects within budget and timelines is backed by our analysts, developers, engineers and instructors making your customer relationship management initiative a success.

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