Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)

Client Testimonials 

“CRMIT was instrumental in this initiative taking off the ground and have helped us create an efficient Outsourced Site Management Model. The joint team is successfully maintaining a complex 365x24x7 real time online commerce system with major enhancement being made regularly. The offsite team is currently developing and deploying 4-6 major releases annually while maintaining timeliness and high service satisfaction levels.”

- One of the world's largest commercial employer,

SOA Offering

Today, organizations that have adopted service-oriented environments are experiencing dramatic results. Increased revenues, increased customer satisfaction, lower operational costs, and higher returns are the benefits reaped on their existing technology investments.

Service-Oriented Architecture is an IT strategy that organizes discrete functions contained in enterprise applications. These are interoperable, standard-based services that can be combined and reused quickly to meet business needs.

By organizing enterprise IT around services instead of around applications, SOA provides key benefits such as:

  • Improves productivity, agility and speed for both Business and IT.
  • Allows IT to deliver services faster and align closer with business.
  • Allows the business to respond quickly and delivers optimal user experience.
  • Masks the underlying technical complexity of the IT environment.
  • Allows Components / Services to be reused, resulting in cost savings and reduction of maintenance nightmares.
  • This results in more rapid development and more reliable delivery of new and enhanced business services.

Business Benefits of Service-Oriented Architecture

  • Efficiency: Transforms business processes from silo, replicated processes into highly leveraged, shared services that cost less to maintain.
  • Responsiveness: Rapid adaptation and delivery of key business services to meet market demands for increased service levels to customers, employees and partners.
  • Adaptability: More effective rollout changes throughout the business with minimal complexity and effort, saving time and cost.

IT Benefits of Service-Oriented Architecture

  • Reduced Complexity: Standards-based compatibility versus point-to-point integration reduces complexity.
  • Increased Reuse: More efficient application/project development and delivery through the reuse of shared services previously developed and deployed.
  • Legacy Integration: Legacy applications leveraged as re-usable services, lowering the cost of maintenance and integration.