CRMIT’s CRM++ Call Center Solution

CRMIT’s proven implementation methodology focuses on business solutions. CRMIT with its expertise concentrates on a thorough up-front discovery of its customer's business objectives and translates them into a comprehensive solution plan.

With CRMIT’s Call Center, you can directly integrate the telephone network into CRM OnDemand, accessing it entirely through the familiar, browser-based interface. You can integrate with most popular call center technologies including Cisco, Nortel, Avaya, Alcatel, Genesis and On-demand call center vendors like Avaya OnDemand, Pandora and Five9.

CRMIT’s CRM++ Call Center Solution is a web-based solution with TAPI Framework.

Control incoming calls from the web interface.

  • Current call details (caller ID).
  • Accept or reject incoming call.
  • Invite extensions in conference.
  • CRM integration in the Call Center interface.
  • Hang-up/ transfer to a different agent.

How CTI benefits businesses?

  • Delivers excellent service by phone: Calls made by the customers are previewed before answering for a better customer service. The customer call details get generated on –screen for a better access and to provide services.
  • Increased staff productivity: Caller ID means more incoming calls can be handled and outbound calls can be made quicker using one click dialing to improve efficiency.
  • Lower costs: Saving time on each call increases call time minutes and reduces overheads.

Our Call Center Solution Features:

  • Hold
  • Complete Web Based
  • Web Based Dial Pad (Outbound Calls)
  • Call Transfer to other agents
  • Answer and Hang-up
  • CRM Lookup using the Caller ID

Below are some product screen shots, pluggable to any phone system.

Agent needs to click on Answer Button to get connected.

When the call is connected the CTI system automatically does a search on the Incoming Phone and displays the detailed page for that particular record.